What are the Meridians?

As the second article in the three articles planned by my mentor, Dr. Zhang, as published in the October issue of Acupuncture Today.

In it, Dr. Zhang discusses the qualities of the Meridian System from multiple angles, coming to a conclusion that seems so obvious, yet seems difficult to grasp for those of us who are firmly planted in what we understand of the physical world. While this may seem to be an esoteric and academic topic to some, the idea is to challenge the way we view the space that exists all around us and hopefully to raise our skills in recognizing root causes of illness as clinicians.  

Please have a read!

Where are the Meridians

Due to the new format of Acupuncture Today, I am unable to link directly to the article. The article is split into 4 sections, located on pps 28, 32, 43 and 45. I apologize for the trouble. For those of you who wish to read the whole document off the AT website, you can do so here.

Any comments or thoughts on Dr. Zhang's theories are welcomed and I promise to relay them to Dr. Zhang if I am not able to answer them. 

Search For The Meridians

Just in time for Leap Day, this is the first in a series of articles that my mentor Dr. Kezhen Zhang of Beijing Tai Ji Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital will write about the Meridian System in Traditional Chinese Medicine and published in Acupuncture Today. I'm honored to be his translator for these articles and I hope that his revolutionary ideas will help the TCM professionals and the scientific research community take a second look at existing experimental design for research into the Meridian system. 

Search for the Meridians

Dr. Kezhen Zhang